meet the team


active members

morgan greensmith (they/them) 


hopeless romantic • nocturnal king • lover of angst 

isaac thompson (any/all)

sound engineer

arctic enjoyer • above average gamemaster • webserial reader 

atlas morgan (he/him)

voice actor

hopeless romantic • nocturnal king • lover of angst 

roya gharbi (she/her, they/them)

voice actor

paperback lover • overgrown forest lover • ignoring the conflict there

andrew gorman (he/him)

voice actor

pro wrestling fanatic • novice d&d lover • bona fide 90s kid

cerise angela (she/her)

voice actor

herbal tea hoarder • cat lover • self-proclaimed mediocre video gamer

cry mj (he/him)

voice actor

horror obsessed • patchwork punk • audio drama absorbed

lizzie higham (she/her)

voice actor

amateur plant destroyer • proud needy dog mum • aspiring retiree

sorren briarwood (he/him)


full moon enthusiast • found family obsessed • definitely not a werewolf

jura leopold (they/them)

sound engineer

bathroom escape artist • indie rpg collector • black death expert

joseph leyland (he/him)

voice actor

plant lover • mountain climber • aspiring court jester

alex abrahams (he/him)

voice actor

himbo extraordinaire • proud short king • awful plant parent

zahra rajab (she/her)

voice actor

nature enthusiast • cat lover • cake devourer

moira-juliet "mj" scott (she/her)

voice actor

cyberpunk gremlin • stand user • perpetual writers block sufferer

drew citrine (he/him)

voice actor

chaotic • cosplayer • fantasy enthusiast

freyja (she/her)


picky eater •  owner-traumatiser • definitely not a norse god 

l m clohessy (she/her)

director, producer

double-jointed • tall energy • loves a good planner

kit lovick (he/him)

sound engineer, voice actor

podcast enthusiast • terrible RPG player • roman grave expert

kaz gidman (they/them)

voice actor

aesthetic glass collector • cape obsessed • fanfic connisseur

fraser james kelly (he/him)

voice actor

fraiser quoter • horror lover • bad at lists

max herzfeld (he/they)

voice actor

frequent d&d player • ocarina player • musical theatre quote machine

bonnie calderwood aspinwall (they/them)

voice actor

poet • librarian • adventurer

alasdair stuart (he/him)

voice actor

enthusiastically amateur baker • patron saint of badgood movies • podcasting's matt sheppard

matcha and chai (she/her, he/him)


mischief-maker • camouflage experts • professional squeakers


annelore ryan (she/her)

voice actor

live • laugh • love

wilkie morrison (he/him)

voice actor

insecure romantic • obsessive organiser • nocturnal computer nerd

ben thellusson (he/him)

voice actor

spider befriender • podcast lover • adamant he'd survive a horror movie

anna leclair (she/her)

sound engineer

overly energetic • midday napper • committed thespian

eli santos (he/him)

voice actor

philosopher ninja • closeted nerd • cogito ergo sum mirabiles

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